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Stainless steel flanges to any specification can be made to order if they are not already in stock. They can be supplied to suit schedule pipe, dairy tubing or thin-walled tubing.

Flanges are available in stainless steel, types 304, 304L, 316, 316L, 321 and 321L.

British specifications BS 10, BS 1560 and BS 4504 cover Imperial and metric dimensions.
American specifications are covered by ASA, ANSI B 16.

These are to withstand pressures from 10 bar to 166 bar.

These range from 1/2″ nominal bore to 24″ nominal bore.

These can be made from dimensioned sketches.


Table D Flanges
For use with thin-walled tubing.

Table D flanges generally to BS10:1962 are supplied as a bored flat disc for welding. For use with adhesive or silver solder we recommend and can supply flanges with a female socket welded in position to take thin-walled tube. Blind flanges with no central hole can be supplied


For availability, telephone ‘sales’ on 0161 628 7800

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